Body Transformation

Body Transformation

Written By Lipogon Lab Series

Lipogon Lab Series has been scientifically formulated to change your body from the inside, to be healthy, fat and cellulite free!

June 9, 2021

My Body Transformation with Lipogon Lab Series

My journey started, like many of you in the persuit of a complete transformation. Two pregnancies and severe emotional pain and stress resulted in uncontrolled weight gain.

I soon realized that I needed to change my habits in order to change my body.

My journey has not been an easy one and like all transformation stories I had my share of challenges and had to deal with the proverbial “perfect storm” that was wrecking havoc in my body and ultimately my life

Lipogon Lab Series changed my body form the inside out. I need to share my story as I would like to inspire every woman ready this to understand that in order to transform yourself, you need to accept who you are and embrace your journey in order to achieve what you set out to do.

My Story

My story started with a miscarriage. Still carrying the weight and heartache of my first pregnancy, I was blessed with a beautiful little boy.

Before long I had gained weight of two pregnancies and some more. Struggling to loose weight Lipogon TrimFX Range.

My body responded well and I was beginning to feel better and gain back control.

Three months into my transformation journey I lost my husband, my best friend and father of my baby boy.

His passing and being a single parent of an almost one year old left me shattered. I held on to my faith…

Lipogon Lab Series

Anxiety, stress and lockdown

One month later the entire country went into Level 5 lockdown. Being in the beauty industry, one of the industries that came out of lockdown in level 2 only, left me with battling financially, alone and stressed out of my mind.

Nothing could prepare any of us for the emotional stress that was to come. My body and my mind was severly impacted by all of this. I was prescribed anxiety medication which resulted in more weight gain.

I finally understood that there is a direct link to emotional stress and weight gain.

My body, my choice, my breakthrough

It did not happen over night. Some days I wanted to give up, but I just kept on pushing, determined to have my breakthrough. As I gained more energy I had the strength to face my daily priorities. I am still busy with my weight loss journey. With every small step, I gain more confidence, more muscle mass and burn more fat.

I even have enough confidence now to exercise in a gym, with other people, without feeling ashamed and embarresed.

It took a lot of discipline and determination, but I continued by making healthier lifestyle choices. While my work collegues were having cake, I walked away and worked.

I still had a cheat day here and there, but managed to overcome those cravings as well.  

My Lifestyle, Lipogon Products and treatments

I realised that just wanting to burn fat was not enough. I needed to look after my body and improve my health. I added more Lipogon products to my daily routine. My diet is really simple. I cut out all starch and get my daily carbohydrates from vegetables and fruit.

No Gluten, sugar or dairy.

I sneek in a sugar free chocolate now and again and I love my chia seeds.

I have had one Lipogon Body Contouring Mesotherapy treatment in the past six months and absolutely loved my results.

liezel you are a rock star

With a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset, this woman proved that life-changing events, illnesses, low self-esteem and other huge life challenges like motherhood, heartbreak and grief, should be no barrier to feeling good about yourself and transforming your body!

With much admiration and love!

All of us at Lipogon.

Liezel’s list of “must” have lipogon products

Body Balance

Xtreme Body Balance

A must have for anxiety and a brain that keeps on going! I manage to switch off and sleep peacefully. I love the fact that it is not a sleeping tablet and all natural. I can still respond to the needs of my little one during the night and wake up refreshed.

Original price was: R550.00.Current price is: R450.00.


FrimFX Liniment Oil

Change the name to Miracle Oil! Sunburn, insect bites, nappy rash, allergic reactions and cellulite. I use this for everything! An all over body treatment and even as a night serum for my face. The possibilities are endless. I am in love with this product.



FirmFX Collagen Boost

I’m in love with these tablets, it doesn’t just heal your digestive system, but as someone that trains at least 3 times a week it boosts my immune system and break down lactic acid build up and increases my recovery time. Perfect for skin and hair!


water enhancer

TrimSURE thirstEEZE

Wow, wow, wow, one of a kind! it’s not just a water enhancer, with added Vit B Complex and Vitamin C.  Used as a refreshing drink, you can’t go wrong. I know that my water has been upgraded to a powerful vitamin filled drink, that I can’t get enhough of.


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